3 min read

Here's why we must remind everyone that Musk bought Trump's election

Here's why we must remind everyone that Musk bought Trump's election

All he wants for his almost $45 billion is the end of democracy and everything that makes America work.

You can only catch up if you first admit that you’re behind.

And we’re way behind. We’re almost 54 years behind if you start at the beginning of modern Republican domination, which began with the Powell Memo, which offered a successful blueprint for reshaping the American political ecosystem in a way that elevated corporate America’s boot directly over the America’s people necks.

But we’re definitely behind Elon Musk.

While much of America still thought he was a Real-Life Iron Man who was just kinda weird about COVID, he was working with Trump’s Igor, Stephen Miller, funneling $44 billion into turning Twitter into a Fascism Machine that would help erase any consequences of January 6th. While we were wondering why Tim Walz suddenly stopped calling Trump and Vance “weird,” Elon was spending at least $300 million to assault voters with a blizzard of disinformation and raffles and multifarious crimes against democracy that the Citizens United regime has legalized. And while we were still nursing our wounds—wondering how an exposed leech like Trump could have possibly won, forgetting the little matter of the richest man ever to live spending nearly $45 billion to buy said election—Elon was already inside our government.

He was stealing our data, robbing babies of HIV drugs, and rigging the United States government into his pocket pussy, with the full blessing or capture of Donald Trump and the nodding encouragement of the entire Republican Party.

The good news is that people are catching up.

#TeslaTakedown is the best example of that.

Here’s what that looked like in Ann Arbor on Thursday:

And so was the incredible pushback Republican members of Congress got at their town halls.

If you enjoy "Next Comes What," you know there are two ways to keep a country from falling into an authoritarian abyss:

I’d say the courts are mostly a delay tactic, especially when they’re as captured by fashy corporatists as America’s courts are. The crowds are where it’s at.

But Andrea saw so much promising action on both fronts that she decided to make this week’s episode above about those green shoots and to explain why Elon makes such a great target.

I’d add that he makes such a great target because he’s acting like a mad, flailing king. He’s deranged in apparent ways that are obviously fed by drugs and his insatiable neediness. But most importantly, he's activated by the same urges that gave us the Powell Memo and Trump. He's a vicious apartheid heir and hater of multiracial democracies, especially unions, who sees America as a mark to be exploited, not a Republic we must keep.

He isn’t just a good target; he’s the real target.

Trump is horrible. But he wouldn’t be nothing today without Elon’s touch.

The 2024 election told us nothing about what voters want. Harris nearly won despite a global trend against incumbents. Instead, it told us how the Republican Party has broken our system and how one fiend decided to take advantage of that before the consequences of his ill-gotten gains began to catch up with him.

He bought the election. He bought Trump. But he can’t buy us. And we must live our lives in a way that never lets him forget that.